Capping artesian pressure
Igne’s borehole experts responded to an emergency callout from a construction client whose site was flooding because of a free flowing artesian well…
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Discover more about the services we offer in our case studies
To understand how Igne's unexploded ordnance, site investigation, testing, geothermal, water well and geo-environmental services can benefit your project, explore our case studies.
Igne’s borehole experts responded to an emergency callout from a construction client whose site was flooding because of a free flowing artesian well…
Igne’s engineering team is installing an environmentally friendly ground source heat pump solution for a domestic client in Cheltenham.
Igne supported a geotechnical consultancy client by drilling boreholes to assess ground conditions in central London ahead of planned piling works.
Igne installed a ground source heat pump (GSHP) and water borehole for a commercial property, overcoming site access issues and delivering significant…
During an intrusive UXO survey, Igne identified complex ground conditions and remained on site to assist the constructor by drilling pile locations.